CLENOMED 40 (Clenbuterol) 50tabs of 40mcg DEUS-MEDICAL


Clen or Clenbu as it is often called is often used by bodybuilders to help reduce fat in the body.

  • Laboratory: Deus Medical,
  • Form: Oral,
  • Molecule: Clenbuterol HCL,
  • Strength: 40mcg/tabs,
  • Presentation: 50 Tabs,
  • Recommended dosage: 80-160mcg/day



  • Strength: 1/5
  • Mass gain: 0/5
  • Fat/Water Loss: 4/5
  • Side effects: 2/5
  • Retention of gain: 3/5

Buy Clenbuterol

Its effects are very similar to those of the popular, now banned substance lephedrine. However, the effects of clen tend to be longer lasting and slightly stronger. This substance often causes a slight increase in body temperature, an elevated heart rate and mild anxiety. It also increases the rate at which fats and proteins are used in the body, making its effectiveness as a fat burner obvious.

Clenbuterol is also effective as a respiratory assistant. Users often report that they're able to sustain cardio sessions for much longer periods of time because of this. This effect also lends itself very well to a bodybuilder trying to cut fat in order to get into contest shape. Some Clenbuterol users claim it has mild anabolic properties as well. This is usually due to the increase in strength which is often felt soon after administration. However, it is more likely that this is more due to the effect of the drug as a stimulant rather than some sort of anabolic activity.

Clen is fast acting on the receptors, and for this reason it is often recommended to use it for two weeks and then give it a two week break to allow the receptors a break.If this is not done, the body can get used to the drug and its effects fade.

Bodybuilders should make sure to consume plenty of water when taking Clenbuterol and never consume more than three tablets per day. Most prefer to take their pills in the morning to give the effects time to subside before bed. Those with a history of heart problems should not use Clen. Women can also take Clenbuterol, but at lower doses.


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