3-TRENBOMED 150 (Tren. H 50 + Tren. E 50 + Tren. A 50) 10amps of 1ml DEUS-MEDICAL


Trenbolone Mix 150 is a Mix of 3 Trenbolone Esters. Trenbolone Acetate 50mg/ml, Trenbolone Enanthate 50mg/ml and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg/ml. With this mix you will get incredible muscle definition.

  • Laboratory: Deus Medical,
  • Form: Injection,
  • Molecule: Trenbolone mix,
  • Concentration: 150mg/ml,
  • Recommended dosage: 300-750mg/week



  • Strength: 3/5
  • Mass gain: 3/5
  • Fat/Water Loss: 2/5
  • Side effects: 5/5
  • Retention of Gain: 4/5

Buy Trenbolone Mix or Trenbomed

Trenbolone Mix Deus Medical provides the same spectacular results as trenbolone it is an incredibly powerful anabolic agent that will meet your needs whether you are on a bulking, lean or cutting phase.
If you are taking Trenbolone Mix Deus Medical and dosing it safely and effectively, you don't necessarily need to know what specific purpose it is going to be used for. It really is an ambidextrous substance provided it is used appropriately.

Assuming you're unfamiliar with Trenbolone as a base compound, check out this list of surprising benefits that using Tren can provide you with:

  • Improved muscle growth
  • Increased nutrient uptake (and therefore growth capacity)
  • Increased red blood cell count (thereby making it effective in improving cardiovascular performance)
  • Improved Testosterone Production
  • Minimal risk of estrogenic side effects compared to other anabolic substances

A simple glance at the benefits above should make it surprisingly obvious that Trenbolone is indeed one of the best anabolic steroids available to the bodybuilding community.

Side effects

Trenbolone Mix side effects can be numerous and vary in potency depending on your genetic makeup there is never any guarantee by taking anabolic steroids that you will never experience any of these effects so stay alert.

Some of the side effects associated with the use of trenbolone are:

  • Insomnia
  • Potential Heart-Related Problems
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Increased risk of manifestation of male pattern baldness


The Trenbolone Mix dosage is going to be much lower than you might think, due to the very potent nature of the compound. While you will be injecting up to 1000mg per week with other products during your cycle, you will need to stick to a maximum of 400mg if you are using Trenbolone Mix and want to avoid adverse effects. A typical Trenbolone Mix cycle will last up to 12 weeks on average.


Trenbolone Mix Deus Medical massively increases your testosterone levels, as such it is important that you take a booster product once your cycle is over.


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