CJC-1295 Anti-Aging Peptides Pack 12 weeks A-Tech labs


A-Tech's DAC-Free CJC 1295, a widely known Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP), is a peptide hormone made of amino acid. It is one of the safest growth hormones, it is highly desirable to be among the most recommended supplements for bodybuilders.



If you want to increase your lean muscle mass, increase your muscle strength and lose body fat, CJC 1295 is the best growth hormone for you. Along with its many benefits, CJC 1295 has an extended shelf life unlike other growth hormones on the market. Therefore, it will increase the dispersal rate of growth hormones in your body for longer. Other advantages of using CJC1295 are:

  • It increases the rate of protein synthesis in the body.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves skin elasticity and complexion.
  • It will take you less time to regain strength after training.
  • Improves injury recovery rate.
  • Suitable for cellular repairs (organs and skin).
  • Strengthens the bones by increasing their density.

Dosage: CJC-1295 2000mcg once a week, for 3 months you will need 24000mcg. Can be used for 6 months (need to buy 2x this pack)

Dosage table:

WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1 to 12 100mcg CJC-1295 2 times daily 100mcg CJC-1295 2 times daily 100mcg CJC-1295 2 times daily 100mcg CJC-1295 2 times daily 100mcg CJC-1295 2 times daily 100mcg CJC-1295 2 times daily 100mcg CJC-1295 2 times daily


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